Ibanez RG321MH is an RG series electric guitar which features a hard-tail bridge with strings through body.Buy it second handed and you will get an amazing guitar for it’s price. Playability is super, the neck is straight, quick and strong thanks to the 3-piece building technology by Ibanez.The guitar has a mahogany body and two humbucker pickups. The bridge and the neck construction varies depending the model year.
Delivers what it promises. The acoustic sound is good, thanks to the strings-through-body build.However the pickups aren’t that great when it comes to sound, but they are playable. Buy a pair of Seymour Duncans or DiMarzio pickups and you’ll be satisfied for a long time.
The guitar is built in Indonesia(Expect 2004 models, which are made in Korea), and it isn’t flawless. However the neck is straight and jumbo frets don’t seem to wear off very quickly.Electronics are still working but you may want to change the potentiometers since they tend to make a noise after a year of use.